ESO-Skillfactory ESO-Database ESO-Raidplanner Garian Metatron

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An overview of all characters submitted to the ESO-Database. To add your characters and guilds download and install our ESO-Database Client and start submitting your data.
Show characters in Zone: Clockwork City

Characters Characters of the ESO-Database

Name Rank Champion Rank Alliance Race Class
NA Megaserver Carried By Surge 21 1862 Ebonheart Pact Breton Sorcerer
EU Megaserver Laskaderbretone 50 3096 Daggerfall Covenant Breton Sorcerer
EU Megaserver Dexhumator Stormwind 50 666 Daggerfall Covenant Breton Warden
NA Megaserver Bârrie 50 2608 Daggerfall Covenant Breton Warden
NA Megaserver baberto 50 1590 Daggerfall Covenant Breton Warden
EU Megaserver Elyn Woodsly 50 2633 Aldmeri Dominion Breton Templar
EU Megaserver Bothinetta Aumnd 4 185 Daggerfall Covenant Breton Sorcerer
EU Megaserver Kyryx 8 304 Aldmeri Dominion Breton Sorcerer
NA Megaserver Aldmera 50 2608 Aldmeri Dominion Breton Templar
EU Megaserver G'omrk Uteeh 50 817 Aldmeri Dominion Orc Necromancer
NA Megaserver Ben-Gera 50 1690 Daggerfall Covenant Orc Templar
NA Megaserver Venom Skull 50 2608 Ebonheart Pact Orc Necromancer
NA Megaserver Mash gro-Buglump 50 2002 Daggerfall Covenant Orc Nightblade
EU Megaserver tanktoes 18 82 Daggerfall Covenant Orc Warden
NA Megaserver Rune Master Grimgash 9 481 Aldmeri Dominion Orc Arcanist
EU Megaserver Shindobow 50 320 Ebonheart Pact Orc Nightblade
Page 1 of 4 (62 Characters)