ESO-Skillfactory ESO-Database ESO-Raidplanner Garian Metatron

ArrowCommunity Screenshots

ArrowApocrypha Seekers

Aldmeri Dominion

EU Megaserver Apocrypha Seekers

Guild master: Dirkoo
Guild trader: None hired
Founded 07/10/2022
5 Characters
On this page you can see the recruitment information of the guild. These information are exported straight from the game.

Recruitment information Recruitment information

  • Primary Fokus: Social
  • Play Style: Casual
  • Secondary Fokus: Not Specified
  • Language: English
  • Min. Champion Points: 0
  • Core Hours: Not Specified
  • Roles: DDHealTank

Want to learn the ropes, chat a bit, find out about things in ESO and get access to an open guild bank when there are enough of us?
Casual and friendly guild for new and old players. Aiming to create an open guild bank for sharing stuff. Guildmaster has been playing since the start in 2014, so glad to share knowledge as well.