Arkays Handelshaus
Arkays Handelshaus
Guild master: No guild master found in ESO-Database
Guild trader: Varandia in Schimmerheim
Founded 06/14/2020
3,022 Characters
The statistical values below represents a summary of all guild characters of Arkays Handelshaus.
Common statistics
Total Playtime |
5622 Days 22 Hours 5 Minutes 35 Seconds |
Combat Statistics
Duels won |
711 |
Duels lost |
407 |
AvA wins |
33,061 |
AvA deaths |
21,957 |
Resurrections |
58,720 |
Deaths |
54,751 |
Damage done |
253,037,486,672 |
Damage taken |
35,017,991,857 |
Damage done (Target Dummy) |
1,042,974,665 |
Falling damage received |
100,233,035 |
Healing done |
31,330,704,834 |
Healing taken |
40,061,556,916 |
Overheal done |
6,646,034,342 |
Overheal taken |
5,367,484,352 |
NPCs killed |
2,047,614 |
Deaths by Slaughterfish |
248 |
Point Statistics
Alliance Points |
23,665,688 |
Alliance Points gained |
155,915,393 |
Experience Points gained |
6,392,280,391 |
Experience Points by Source
Kills |
1,994,054,185 |
World Boss Kills |
84,624,662 |
Quests |
2,111,732,412 |
Keep conquered/defeated |
38,994,017 |
Scripted Events |
219,235,438 |
Lock picking |
41,979,304 |
Misc |
242,278 |
Justice System
Total bounty |
9,618,549 |
Bounty paid |
1,285,509 |
Gold stolen |
995,632 |
Highest amount of pickpocketed gold |
2,339 |
Items stolen |
71,576 |
Pickpocketings failed |
1,608 |
Number of fence sells |
108,274 |
Number of fence launders |
59,633 |
Confiscated items |
1,009 |
Stolen: Junk |
1,114 (1.58%) |
Stolen: Normal |
41,510 (58.75%) |
Stolen: Fine |
23,428 (33.16%) |
Stolen: Superior |
4,226 (5.98%) |
Stolen: Epic |
311 (0.44%) |
Stolen: Legendary |
62 (0.09%) |
Tel Var Stones
Total |
46,775,333 |
Total lost |
5,731,170 |
Bank |
46,435,568 |
Deaths |
197,512 |
Character |
339,765 |
To Players |
878,967 |
Total earned |
6,552,471 |
Merchant purchases |
4,058,720 |
From NPCs |
6,326,845 |
From Players |
821,597 |
Best sell on guild store |
5,766,000 |
Most expensive purchase on guild store |
9,250,000 |
Best sell at merchant |
100,000 |
Most expensive purchase at merchant |
3,800,000 |
Best sell at fence |
2,200 |
Most expensive repair |
2,252 |
Highest amount of pickpocketed gold |
2,339 |
Most expensive launder |
2,000 |
Highest amount of looted gold |
5,000 |
Most expensive buyback |
6,000 |
Highest Amount on Character |
3,000,123 |
Highest Amount lost on death |
3,877 |
Highest Amount earned from NPC |
5,976 |
Highest Amount lost to Player |
11,853 |
Highest Amount earned from Player |
3,392 |
Most expensive purchase at merchant |
500,000 |
Trading Statistics
Number of merchant sells |
2,639,568 |
Number of merchant purchases |
167,857 |
Number of guild store sells |
65,604 |
Number of guild store purchases |
27,801 |
Number of fence sells |
108,274 |
Number of buybacks |
16,942 |
Loot Statistics
Total looted |
6,902,775 |
Items destroyed |
15,474 |
Armors |
534,860 |
Weapons |
274,741 |
Clothing materials |
839,345 |
Blacksmithing materials |
578,440 |
Enchanting runes |
442,437 |
Woodworking materials |
564,809 |
Jewelry Crafting materials |
499,697 |
Reagents |
448,619 |
Alchemy base |
343,572 |
Style material |
167,046 |
Ingredients |
781,017 |
Glyphs |
90,937 |
Soul Gems |
206,725 |
Drinks |
13,199 |
Trophies |
129,537 |
Potions |
297,217 |
Foods |
7,962 |
Trash |
225,551 |
Lock picks |
118,919 |
Collectibles |
14,012 |
Lure |
187,366 |
Recipes |
69,134 |
Scribing Ink |
1,220 |
Psijik Portals |
403 |
Thieves Troves |
439 |
Heavy Sacks |
2,481 |
Loot Quality
Junk |
300,890 (3.12%) |
Normal |
7,587,932 (78.68%) |
Fine |
1,080,502 (11.2%) |
Superior |
350,721 (3.64%) |
Epic |
245,583 (2.55%) |
Legendary |
77,902 (0.81%) |
Accepted |
245,687 |
Completed |
236,797 |
Abandoned |
9,800 |
Repeatables completed |
218,360 |
Antiquities System
Excavations |
7,340 |
Scries |
5,244 |
Successful excavations |
6,516 |
Antiques destroyed |
548 |
Excavation: Out of Time |
277 |
Bonus loot unearthed |
11,501 |
Leads acquired |
7,471 |
Antiquarians Eye used |
12,203 |
Scrying Difficulty |
Simple |
337 (6.44%) |
Intermediate |
773 (14.77%) |
Advanced |
2,567 (49.05%) |
Master |
1,459 (27.88%) |
Ultimate |
97 (1.85%) |
Excavation Difficulty |
Simple |
387 (5.78%) |
Intermediate |
954 (14.24%) |
Advanced |
3,403 (50.79%) |
Master |
1,846 (27.55%) |
Ultimate |
110 (1.64%) |
Chests and Locks
Total attempts |
60,086 |
Successfully |
51,049 |
Lock picks broken |
42,440 |
Failed |
8,957 |
Simple |
29,942 (50.46%) |
Intermediate |
19,632 (33.08%) |
Advanced |
6,465 (10.89%) |
Master |
3,301 (5.56%) |
Blacksmithing |
164,253 |
Clothing |
179,135 |
Woodworking |
134,283 |
Alchemy |
31,850 |
Enchanting |
66,993 |
Provisioning |
44,567 |
Jewelry Crafting |
54,076 |
Alchemist writs completed |
19,281 |
Blacksmith writs completed |
24,289 |
Clothier writs completed |
24,495 |
Enchanter writs completed |
24,345 |
Provisioner writs completed |
22,224 |
Woodworker writs completed |
24,237 |
Jewelry Crafting writs completed |
19,021 |
World Events
Dark Anchors completed |
2,864 |
Abyssal Geysers completed |
235 |
Harrowstorms completed |
371 |
Volcano Vents completed |
655 |
Mirrormoor Incursions completed |
259 |
Completed daily |
17,050 |
Completed weekly |
880 |
Tales of Tribute
Total time played |
7 Days 0 Hours 21 Minutes 1 Second |
Turns played |
14,710 |
Invitations sent |
6 |
Invitations accepted |
8 |
Invitations declined |
9 |
Obtained coins |
69,793 |
Cards acquired |
14,084 |
Prestige obtained |
31,259 |
Matches played |
845 |
Victories by Patrons |
105 |
Defeats by Patrons |
21 |
Victories by Prestige |
375 |
Defeats by Prestige |
305 |
Victories by Concede |
29 |
Defeats by Concede |
10 |
Victories against players (unranked/causual) |
10 |
Defeats against players (unranked/causual) |
24 |
Victories against players (Ranked competitive) |
198 |
Defeats against players (Ranked competitive) |
236 |
Victories against players (Private/Duel) |
1 |
Defeats against players (Private/Duel) |
3 |
Victories against NPCs |
289 |
Defeats against NPCs |
70 |
Infinite Archive
Total time played |
3 Days 2 Hours 1 Minute 47 Seconds |
Runs started |
206 |
Runs completed |
111 |
Defeated enemies |
34,928 |
Died |
302 |
Archival Fortunes received |
503,770 |
Archival Fortunes spent |
400,800 |
Completed Arcs |
152 |
Completed Cycles |
1,103 |
Completed Stages |
3,441 |
Verses received |
4,364 |
Visions received |
778 |
Avatar Visions received |
275 |
Wins |
28 |
Defeats |
63 |
Joined |
188 |
Completed |
91 |
Kills |
488 |
Kill Assists |
610 |
Kills as Team |
2,387 |
Died |
1,048 |
Number played by alliance |
Fire Drakes |
84 |
Pit Daemons |
67 |
Storm Lords |
37 |
Number played by type |
Capture the Relic |
20 |
Crazy King |
36 |
Deathmatch |
60 |
Domination |
47 |
Chaosball |
25 |
Furniture placed |
7,515 |
Furniture moved |
21,191 |
Furniture removed |
5,614 |
Number furniture placed by category |
Suite |
377 |
Parlor |
451 |
Library |
461 |
Dining |
493 |
Courtyard |
276 |
Undercroft |
426 |
Hearth |
754 |
Gallery |
450 |
Workshop |
377 |
Lighting |
963 |
Conservatory |
822 |
Structures |
910 |
Mounts |
7 |
Non-Combat Pets |
35 |
Services |
674 |
Miscellaneous |
35 |
Time spent fishing |
2 Days 2 Hours 59 Minutes 10 Seconds |
Fishing rods cast |
13,448 |
Fish caught |
47,617 |
Books/Letters read |
155,776 |
Fast travels |
167,033 |
Guilds joined |
81 |
Guilds left |
55 |
Group invites |
928 |
Mighty hero
Mudcrabs killed |
27,059 |
Cows killed |
181 |
Chicken killed |
228 |
Pigs killed |
240 |
Goats killed |
4,574 |
Sheep killed |
1,201 |
Deer killed |
942 |
Lizards killed |
386 |
Rabbits killed |
619 |
Rats killed |
3,471 |
Squirrels killed |
790 |
Spiders killed |
28,254 |
Bantam Guars killed |
146 |
Guars killed |
191 |
Bears killed |
6,748 |
Skeevers killed |
22,438 |
Camels killed |
136 |
Monkeys killed |
439 |
Fox killed |
198 |
Frogs killed |
1,021 |
Scorpions killed |
2,651 |
Scribs killed |
692 |
Beetles killed |
1,108 |
Skavengers killed |
657 |
Fennec Fox killed |
111 |
Sandroach killed |
273 |
Thorn Geckos killed |
55 |
Fellrunners killed |
408 |
Daggerbacks killed |
383 |
Wormmouths killed |
317 |
Daedrats killed |
654 |
Echalette killed |
545 |
Chub Loons killed |
144 |
Pocket Mammoths killed |
196 |
Horker killed |
210 |
Elk killed |
562 |
Sep Adders killed |
95 |
Dragon Frogs killed |
54 |
Herons killed |
129 |
Antelopes killed |
468 |
Fiendroth killed |
533 |
Centipedes killed |
2,094 |