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ArrowCommunity Screenshots

ArrowAuridon Wall

Aldmeri Dominion

EU Megaserver Auridon Wall

Guild master: No guild master found in ESO-Database
Guild trader: Utzaei in Alinor
Founded 02/25/2024
892 Characters
On this page you can see the recruitment information of the guild. These information are exported straight from the game.

Recruitment information Recruitment information

  • Primary Fokus: Social
  • Play Style: Casual
  • Secondary Fokus: Not Specified
  • Language: English
  • Min. Champion Points: 0
  • Core Hours: Not Specified
  • Roles: DDHealTank

This guild is mostly just getting into the same instance as other people at the Auridon Wall. Anyone who visits is welcome to join.
For getting into the same instance at the Auridon Wall. Anyone who visits is welcome to join.

Every member can invite new members if they want to, with the only rule being that the people they invite have to visit the wall at least sometimes.

Guild chat can also be used as a kind of a "portable wall" if wishing to chat without being present at the wall itself at the moment.