ESO-Skillfactory ESO-Database ESO-Raidplanner Garian Metatron

ArrowCommunity Screenshots

ArrowChaos Riders

Daggerfall Covenant

NA Megaserver Chaos Riders

Guild master: No guild master found in ESO-Database
Guild trader: None hired
Founded 04/23/2016
1,138 Characters
On this page you can see the recruitment information of the guild. These information are exported straight from the game.

Recruitment information Recruitment information

  • Primary Fokus: Social
  • Play Style: Balanced
  • Secondary Fokus: Group PvE
  • Language: English
  • Min. Champion Points: 0
  • Core Hours: 12:00 - 03:00
  • Roles: DDHealTank

Making you feel at home with events to tickle any player's fancy! Big emphasis on TRIALS of all kinds!
We dabble in all things PvE, with a focus on community & fun! We cultivate raiders of all skill levels & provide them with everything they need to grow. Must be LV25+ & include reason for joining in app!

Want to check us out first? Here: Select the "Friend of Chaos" tag to see all our goodies!

Features: ALL Attunables, ALL Mundus Stones, Banks/Stores, Transmutation, Parsing Arena (3M, 6M, 21M), Increase/Reduce Vamp, Resource Well.

We support (8) teams for vet content. We also do vet training runs, open runs, progression runs, achievement runs, & fun runs. Always looking for NEW RAIDERS! We also have a training Dojo for learning trial mechs like a replica MoL backroom, CR portals, HRC shield throw stack & more!

PUBLIC DUNGEON THURSDAYS: Steam roll these bad boys with friendos to make it more fun! Takes requests. Includes Mage Guild dailies.

Upon joining, please make a guild note with your interests, roles, etc. This encourages a social atmosphere & lets us learn more about you!