Community Screenshots
Chronicles of the Sun

Chronicles of the Sun
Guild master: No guild master found in ESO-Database
Guild trader: None hired
Founded 08/29/2022
0 Characters
On this page you can see the recruitment information of the guild. These information are exported straight from the game.
Recruitment information
- Primary Fokus: Group PvE
- Play Style: Casual
- Secondary Fokus: Not Specified
- Language: English
- Min. Champion Points: 0
- Core Hours: Not Specified
- Roles:
PvE Sunnieverse of anything ESO has to offer including trials and more! Come grow & glow with us!
Welcome to the Chronicles of the Sun!
Our community of 3 years is build on fun and interest in ESO whilst enjoying all aspects of the game!
If that is fishing, housing and fashion or group content like dungeons and trials, with focus on learning and teaching trials.
Beginners and veterans alike that dont take it all too serious yet have ambitions will find great pleasure with us whilst spending their free time in ESO!
We offer a fully furnished Guild Hall with all crafting tables, transmutation station, trial dummies & all mundus stones in addition to vampire utilities.
For us it does not matter how many times you seen the sun go up or down! It matters the sunrise you will see with us.
Schedule: All activities organized on Discord
Mon+Thu 8pm ce(s)t - Trial Progression [Full]
Mon+Wed - 8pm ce(s)t - Overland (WB, Delves, PB, Fishing etc.)
Tue - 8pm ce(s)t - Trial Progression - vKA HM Start 22.10.24
Wed - 8pm ce(s)t - Trial - Farming - vet
Fri - 8pm ce(s)t - PvP - Cyrodiil/Imperial City with Aldmeri Dominion (yellow)
Sat - 8pm ce(s)t - Trial - Teaching/Farming - vet [On Pause]
Sun - 3pm ce(s)t - Trial Progression - vSE HM Start 10.11.24
- 8pm ce(s)t - Trial Progression - Tick-Tock Tormentor
- 8pm ce(s)t - Dungeon - Challenger Achievements [On Pause]
YOUR APPLICATION MATTERS - Dont keep it empty.
See you after landing,
The Elders of the Chronicles Universe
We are part of the Chronicles Universe - sister guild of the Chronicles of the Moon!