Community Screenshots
Delusions of Grandeur

Delusions of Grandeur
Guild master: No guild master found in ESO-Database
Guild trader: None hired
Founded 09/14/2016
66 Characters
On this page you can see the recruitment information of the guild. These information are exported straight from the game.
Recruitment information
- Primary Fokus: Social
- Play Style: Casual
- Secondary Fokus: Group PvE
- Language: English
- Min. Champion Points: 0
- Core Hours: 12:00 - 22:00
- Roles:
Hello fellow Tamriel wanderers.
DoG is semi-casual social guild. Laidback chatting and fun together. DoG was orininaly created to be hub for friends, but doors are now open to everyone.
We are starting to run dungeons (both normal and veteran) when guild starts to grow. And also trials when we have ppl who are capable to do them.
Veteran or brand new on ESO, everyone are welcome to join. Just don't be jerk.
We have guild house on Elinhir private arena, it has all basic crafting stations, transmute station and outfit station. 3 targetdummies (3 mil, 6mil and raiddummy) and few precursors (400k HP targetdummies).