Community Screenshots
Ebonheart Bloody Dragons

Ebonheart Bloody Dragons
Guild master: No guild master found in ESO-Database
Guild trader: Huleida in Solitude
Founded 06/18/2019
1,143 Characters
On this page you can see the recruitment information of the guild. These information are exported straight from the game.
Recruitment information
- Primary Fokus: Group PvE
- Play Style: Balanced
- Secondary Fokus: PvP
- Language: Other
- Min. Champion Points: 0
- Core Hours: Not Specified
- Roles:
Pridaj sa do našej cz/sk guildy Ebonheart Bloody Dragons. Hladáme aktívnych hracov zo skusenostami ci bez. Radi poradime ked mas zaujem.
Mame vlastny guild house so vsetkymi craft setmi.
Ak sa chces zabavit, naša guilda je to správne pre Teba!
If you don't understand our language, this guild is not for you, we are sorry, but we are czech/slovak guild.