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ArrowCommunity Screenshots

ArrowEthereal Traders Union II

Aldmeri Dominion

NA Megaserver Ethereal Traders Union II

Guild master: No guild master found in ESO-Database
Guild trader: Halash near Greenheart, Greenshade
Founded 12/13/2014
1,564 Characters
On this page you can see the recruitment information of the guild. These information are exported straight from the game.

Recruitment information Recruitment information

  • Primary Fokus: Trading
  • Play Style: Casual
  • Secondary Fokus: Group PvE
  • Language: English
  • Min. Champion Points: 0
  • Core Hours: Not Specified
  • Roles: DDHealTank

Guild hall. Raffles. Discord. Must be online atleast once per 30 days and have 1 sale per 30 days req (any amount). New players welcome!
ETU II is the sister guild to one of the most successful trading communities in the game. The ETU name is about community as much as it about making gold (which we do well). We want to provide everyone a place to not only make gold, but also a place make friends and feel at home. All traders welcome! Please tell us aboutcha in your app! Intro required.

No Dues!! Sales are required!!