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ArrowHouse Omerta

Aldmeri Dominion

NA Megaserver House Omerta

Guild master: No guild master found in ESO-Database
Guild trader: Tuls Madryon in Necrom
Founded 05/03/2020
1,139 Characters
Welcome to the guild profile of House Omerta!

Guild roster Guild roster

There are 1120 more characters in this guild. Add your data now!
Name Rank Champion Rank Alliance Race Class
NA Megaserver Amante 50 177 Ebonheart Pact Wood Elf Sorcerer
NA Megaserver Draco-Ryder 50 1385 Daggerfall Covenant Orc Dragonknight
NA Megaserver Drewcillah 50 1385 Daggerfall Covenant Breton Templar
NA Megaserver ghost in elise 28 1635 Aldmeri Dominion Breton Nightblade
NA Megaserver Glenthor Fiddich 50 1890 Ebonheart Pact Nord Templar
NA Megaserver Ildine 50 1642 Aldmeri Dominion Breton Warden
NA Megaserver khendari 23 1635 Aldmeri Dominion Khajiit Templar
NA Megaserver Leila Graylock 50 390 Aldmeri Dominion Orc Dragonknight
NA Megaserver Meegan the Anti-Vegan 5 1382 Aldmeri Dominion Wood Elf Necromancer
NA Megaserver Mistress Odile 50 1382 Aldmeri Dominion High Elf Sorcerer
NA Megaserver Nyte Ryder 50 1385 Daggerfall Covenant Wood Elf Nightblade
NA Megaserver pinned ya 50 1636 Aldmeri Dominion Khajiit Nightblade
NA Megaserver Pyrelfyr Candrilor 50 1170 Ebonheart Pact Dark Elf Arcanist
NA Megaserver Raijindono 50 2690 Aldmeri Dominion Khajiit Dragonknight
NA Megaserver Raydaar 50 1389 Aldmeri Dominion Nord Templar
NA Megaserver Ryecien 50 1389 Aldmeri Dominion High Elf Templar
NA Megaserver Ryiker 50 1389 Daggerfall Covenant Orc Templar
NA Megaserver Soriana 50 177 Ebonheart Pact Dark Elf Dragonknight
NA Megaserver The-Ryder 50 1389 Aldmeri Dominion Dark Elf Nightblade
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