Community Screenshots
Orders of The Flame

Orders of The Flame
Guild master: No guild master found in ESO-Database
Guild trader: None hired
Founded 04/14/2024
0 Characters
On this page you can see the recruitment information of the guild. These information are exported straight from the game.
Recruitment information
- Primary Fokus: Group PvE
- Play Style: Casual
- Secondary Fokus: Roleplaying
- Language: English
- Min. Champion Points: 0
- Core Hours: Not Specified
- Roles:
Hi guys lets have fun together and crack some skulls while drinking wines! Everyone is welcome
Have you got a fire in your heart and a liver to match? Do you enjoy stomping bosses and being silly goose in general? Join the |H1:guild:819280|hOrders of The Flame|h, follow the flame in your heart. Let's crack some skulls and drown in wine! We're relaxed guild,new player friendly, mostly focused on Vet dungeons and just having a good time, come along.