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ArrowSkyrim Red Shirts

Ebonheart Pact

EU Megaserver Skyrim Red Shirts

Guild master: mathius_mordred
Guild trader: Dosa in Windhelm
Founded 03/17/2019
2,023 Characters
On this page you can see the recruitment information of the guild. These information are exported straight from the game.

Recruitment information Recruitment information

  • Primary Fokus: Social
  • Play Style: Balanced
  • Secondary Fokus: Group PvE
  • Language: English
  • Min. Champion Points: 0
  • Core Hours: 20:00 - 12:00
  • Roles: DDHealTank

Mature English speaking group of adventurers based in the UK with members around the world, our trader is free to use now and always.
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Skyrim Red Shirts welcomes everyone, no matter your abilities, from new players to Vets.

We are a mature drama free social group enjoying PVE questing, crafting. Dungeons, trials, PvP and arenas. We have a website, FB Group & Discord, YT livestreaming etc. Guild Village called Wysteria Grove, trial dummies, master crafting, transmutation, banker, scribing & merchant. Our Trader is free always, you never need to pay subs. We always try to get a town centre trader, and place 10 bids per week so it's rare we don't have somewhere.

There's so much to do with SRS, competitions, ranking with prizes, raffles, events, and best of all a very friendly and sociable group of people who are always willing to help you in your jorney across Tamriel. We can't wait to meet you.

You may invite your friends to the guild as soon as you arrive. No requirements at all to join, no expectations, just have fun.

Find out more>

About Us

The guild started in 2019 after a group of veteran Star Trek Online players decided to hook up together. Hence the name Red Shirts. There is a lot more information about us on our website in the About page.