Community Screenshots
Skywatch Club

Skywatch Club
Guild master: Jylly
Guild trader: Rubyn Denile in Alinor
Founded 06/14/2020
2,072 Characters
On this page you can see the recruitment information of the guild. These information are exported straight from the game.
Recruitment information
- Primary Fokus: Trading
- Play Style: Balanced
- Secondary Fokus: Not Specified
- Language: German
- Min. Champion Points: 0
- Core Hours: Not Specified
- Roles:
Freundlich, Sozial, Aktiv / Friendly, social, active 50k min. sales , 10k min. donation Du bist willkommen / You`re welcome
Stabiler,profitabler Standort / stable,profitable location-Alinor
Freundliche, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft,friendly, helpful community.
We speak German and English. All languages welcome
ranking per week
+25+ Best/weak
800k+ sales or 100k+ donation
400k+ sales or 50k+ donation
100k+ sales or 10k donation
min 50k sales and 10k donation
14 Tage in dem Rang ohne min. 10k Spende->Kick
14 days in this rank without min. 10k donation->kick
NO! > WtB,WtT,WtS in Guildchat
Gildenhaus - Guild House
alles was du brauchst - vorhanden
all you need - available
verfügbar /available
max offline 7 Tage/ / Days
länger abwesend/PN an die Gildenleitung
longer away/ PN to Guildmaster
Du schaffst es nicht Umsatz zu machen, hast viel zu tun im RL oder einfach mal keine Lust -- kein Problem.
You don't manage to generate sales, you have a lot to do in RL or you just don't feel like it - no problem.
You can donate 30k / per week and you are safe.
Du kannst 30k spenden/pro Woche und Du bist sicher.