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ArrowSong of Sun and Moon

Ebonheart Pact

EU Megaserver Song of Sun and Moon

Guild master: Eryss
Guild trader: Alvura Thenim in Necrom
Founded 04/18/2021
1,552 Characters
Welcome to the guild profile of Song of Sun and Moon!

Guild roster Guild roster

There are 1529 more characters in this guild. Add your data now!
Name Rank Champion Rank Alliance Race Class
EU Megaserver Amiska Kivanadi 50 557 Ebonheart Pact Khajiit Warden
EU Megaserver Xur Kane Eu 11 --- Ebonheart Pact Dark Elf Arcanist
EU Megaserver Song of Sun and Moon 24 --- Ebonheart Pact Argonian Warden
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