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ArrowThe Argonian Cake

Daggerfall Covenant

EU Megaserver The Argonian Cake

Guild master: No guild master found in ESO-Database
Guild trader: Henriette Panoit in Morkul Stronghold
Founded 10/17/2023
2,747 Characters
On this page you can see the recruitment information of the guild. These information are exported straight from the game.

Recruitment information Recruitment information

  • Primary Fokus: Trading
  • Play Style: Balanced
  • Secondary Fokus: Social
  • Language: English
  • Min. Champion Points: 160
  • Core Hours: Not Specified
  • Roles: DDHealTank

NO FEE - NO SALES REQUIREMENTS - ALL YOU CAN EAT We accept nords and vegans alike! Stay online, no rotten food! Tail grows back!
The Tamriel Kitchen Guilds (a.k.a The Argonian Kebab/The Argonian Steak and The Argonian BBQ) welcome you for TRADING & ADVENTURE! Join now for ultimate steakhouse experience you never had. Please include some notes in application page to avoid long wait. CP160+ and traders priority.

We usually got a BBQ and handbag shop around Tamriel. Get rich ez. We are doing lotteries and auctions (if you pay enough you get fresh argonian)

We need all kinds of TRIAL RUNNERs like a bosmer needs an argonian. You weave-like-bieber? it is ok! If We kill stuff, cook the same stuff and sell the skin as handbag at guild store

We suck at PvP. Too focused on argonians, we got ganked or rekt by others. We are improving.

We have tasty-argonian-maid section in Discord. Awesome community.

We accept vegans and nords alike

We have ranks in guild, lowest rank Hatch has maximum 5 days offline then kick and get auto-invite to the Argonian Graveyard/Boneyard/Wormhole. Here you will be turned to rotten burger,sushi,pizza or nugget. Then you will have a chance to get resurrected. This is the only never-gives-up on former members system in whole Tamriel.

Other guild specials:
Argonian T-bone Steak
Argonian Tail BBQ
Scale Soup with lé creme
Fresh Save Soup
Daily Argonian Omlett
Hardened Handbag
Blue Raincoat

Guild ranks; Grows-Tail-back, Brother-in-love, Donates-the-eggs, taste-like-chick, raids-with-guild, kills-with-fart, Sells-A-lot, BBQ,STEAK,KEBAB and hatch