Community Screenshots
The Divine Conclave

The Divine Conclave
Guild master: No guild master found in ESO-Database
Guild trader: None hired
Founded 10/07/2017
0 Characters
On this page you can see the recruitment information of the guild. These information are exported straight from the game.
Recruitment information
- Primary Fokus: Roleplaying
- Play Style: Balanced
- Secondary Fokus: Not Specified
- Language: English
- Min. Champion Points: 0
- Core Hours: Not Specified
- Roles:
Raise your weapon! Choose your Patron Divine! Join a Holy Order! Take the Pilgrim's Oath and begin a journey in this immersive RP guild.
The Divine Conclave is over six years old and going strong! We have many deep systems of role play including:
• A mentor/disciple system
• Theological debates
• Adventure and plot development
• Many different ways to progress your character!
Join as a lowly Petitioner and rise in rank to an honored Apostle! There is no limit to progression and the guild is led by officers who started at the bottom and made their way up! We are ICly followers of the Eight Divines devoted to bringing Light to Tamriel!
In order to join the Divine Conclave, you must understand and agree to the following:
• We are 18+ only
• No IC vampires, werewolves, necromancers (in-game class doesn't impact RP)
• Be willing to fill out a short application on our website
If you agree to these 3 rules, please type "I agree to these rules" on your Guild Finder Application
We look forward to seeing you in RP! May the Eight bless your path!