Community Screenshots
The Elder Crows
The Elder Crows
Guild master: No guild master found in ESO-Database
Guild trader: None hired
Founded 06/14/2020
405 Characters
Welcome to the guild profile of The Elder Crows!
Guild roster
There are 386 more characters in this guild. Add your data now!
Name | Rank | Champion Rank | Alliance | Race | Class |
Amragorh | 50 | 1472 | |||
Arthrosa Cerebrali | 50 | 775 | |||
Chrisdeplay | 50 | 1157 | |||
Daemonicum | 45 | --- | |||
Geralt von der Jaruga | 14 | 1153 | |||
Gondriel | 46 | --- | |||
Jehanne d Arc | 50 | 1155 | |||
Jenny die Elfin | 26 | 1153 | |||
Julia Bernstein | 6 | 1191 | |||
Lara Ebenholz | 4 | 1153 | |||
Leandrisi | 50 | 1035 | |||
Lexie Fenna | 50 | 1508 | |||
Livia Amica Bibliothecae | 50 | 1803 | |||
Nachtelfe | 43 | --- | |||
Ruck'zuck'tot | 50 | 1803 | |||
Sarah Mileni | 50 | 1153 | |||
Siegfried von Morlant | 4 | 1157 | |||
Theophylaktos da Avaon | 50 | 1803 | |||
Zauberhafte Galadriel | 50 | 188 |
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