Community Screenshots
The Unholy Legacy

The Unholy Legacy
Guild master: No guild master found in ESO-Database
Guild trader: Zino in Stormhold
Founded 01/21/2015
2,192 Characters
On this page you can see the recruitment information of the guild. These information are exported straight from the game.
Recruitment information
- Primary Fokus: Group PvE
- Play Style: Balanced
- Secondary Fokus: Social
- Language: English
- Min. Champion Points: 300
- Core Hours: Not Specified
- Roles:
Relaxed Endgame - Trials, Trading, PvE, riding Guars, eating Sweetrolls! All with a cheeky smile on our faces! :o)
Welcome to the Unholy Legacy! :o)
We're one of Tamriels oldest guilds, starting in Beta and still going strong today!
Relaxed endgame... CP300+
We try to do a bit of all the content in the game including:
- Group PvE
- Trials
- PvP/Battlegrounds
- Trading (We have a stable trader in the capital city of Shadowfen)
NO FORCED GUILD FEES EVER! We fund the trader bid through voluntary donations & sales.
Our guild Island (Unholy Island) has everything you could want and is always updated with any new housing functionality:
- EVERY crafting set station in the game
- EVERY Mundus stone in the game
- EVERY DPS dummy in the game
- Transmutation station etc etc
The guild is well balanced ranging from the more experienced players who are pushing endgame content each week, through to those relatively early on in their travels around Tamriel.
We have a mixture of events each week which people can attend, and we try to focus on the content thats harder to organise EG Trials.... ranging from chilled Normal runs on a Sunday eve, through to harder progression stuff and Vet trials.
Any questions drop a message to @Flaminir
Please say 'Hello' and tell us a bit about yourself and what you enjoy doing in ESO in your application... We do receive a lot of applications so I'm afraid blank ones (Or 1 line 'Hi/can I join' type messages) will be rejected :)
Peace, Love & Sweetrolls :o)