Community Screenshots
Valinor Merchants

Valinor Merchants
Guild master: No guild master found in ESO-Database
Guild trader: Walks-In-Leaves in Elden Root
Founded 01/06/2020
2,873 Characters
On this page you can see the recruitment information of the guild. These information are exported straight from the game.
Recruitment information
- Primary Fokus: Trading
- Play Style: Casual
- Secondary Fokus: Group PvE
- Language: English
- Min. Champion Points: 0
- Core Hours: Not Specified
- Roles:
Middle tier trading guild is LF traders & active farmers! Part of Valinor Trading Union - Trader: Elden Root 50k min sales
Applications: State your expected weekly sales to get accepted!
|t40:40:esoui\art\help\|t INFO
- GUILDHALL: ALL set tables, dummies, mundus & more
- 7+ PvE & SOCIAL events per week, incl. weekly LOTTERY
- A DISCORD with help for trading, PvE, PvP & crafting
- Add 'sweetroll' to your application to show that you've read this
- A huge COMMUNITY of 5 guilds, swap between them to fit your playstyle!
- Up to 60d of kick immunity for our top members
|t40:40:esoui\art\help\|t RULES
- Quota: 50k sales OR 10k donation
- New members: sell 1+ items within 48hrs
- Quota is WEEKLY, sales & donations count for the on-going week ONLY
- Max. offline time: 7 days.
- Vacation? Donate weekly fee in advance & send mail to GM
- English & no WTS/WTB/WTT (incl. crowns) in chat
|t40:40:esoui\art\mail\|tQUESTIONS? @BansheeVM
Apply now & get rich! |t100:100:esoui/art\icons\|t
Valinor Trading Union guilds:
|H1:guild:435978|hValinor Traders|h (250k min sales, Vivec front row)
|H1:guild:616704|hValinor Overflow|h (150k min sales, Vivec)
|H1:guild:666146|hValinor Vendors|h (25k min sales, Wayrest) FULL
|H1:guild:487424|hStendarr's Merchantry|h (10k min sales, Alinor) FULL