ESO-Skillfactory ESO-Database ESO-Raidplanner Garian Metatron

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An overview of all guilds submitted to the ESO-Database. To add your characters and guilds download and install our ESO-Database Client and start submitting your data.

Guilds Guilds of the ESO-Database

Name Characters Alliance Founded
EU Megaserver Saler 1,554 Aldmeri Dominion 05/02/2017
NA Megaserver Solitude Guards 1,560 Ebonheart Pact 05/30/2020
EU Megaserver Die Quacksalber 1,565 Daggerfall Covenant 05/14/2015
EU Megaserver Bashed and Battered 1,572 Daggerfall Covenant 11/29/2014
EU Megaserver The Argonian Kebab 1,572 Aldmeri Dominion 12/03/2022
NA Megaserver Shrouded Vigilance 1,581 Daggerfall Covenant 12/23/2023
NA Megaserver Story-Time 1,583 Daggerfall Covenant 09/23/2021
NA Megaserver Traders of the Lost Doom 1,601 Daggerfall Covenant 11/24/2015
EU Megaserver Wolf Pack 1,607 Ebonheart Pact 09/11/2017
NA Megaserver Anxious Garbage 1,610 Aldmeri Dominion 03/18/2019
EU Megaserver Pact Veteran Trade 1,615 Ebonheart Pact 04/09/2015
NA Megaserver Nirncrux Anonymous 1,618 Aldmeri Dominion 02/08/2020
NA Megaserver Walks-the-Uncharted 1,626 Aldmeri Dominion 03/29/2020
EU Megaserver Emperor Trading 1,650 Aldmeri Dominion 04/20/2021
EU Megaserver Orden der Wächter 1,652 Aldmeri Dominion 01/24/2021
NA Megaserver Alphabet Mafia 1,669 Daggerfall Covenant 01/15/2021
Page 195 of 208 (3,328 Guilds)