ESO-Skillfactory ESO-Database ESO-Raidplanner Garian Metatron

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An overview of all guilds submitted to the ESO-Database. To add your characters and guilds download and install our ESO-Database Client and start submitting your data.

Guilds Guilds of the ESO-Database

Name Characters Alliance Founded
EU Megaserver The Wildfire 422 Ebonheart Pact 08/28/2024
NA Megaserver The LatchKey Kids 1,055 Aldmeri Dominion 08/28/2024
EU Megaserver Lords of Times of Olde 325 Daggerfall Covenant 08/31/2024
NA Megaserver Radiánce 0 Daggerfall Covenant 09/01/2024
EU Megaserver Der-Haufen 299 Daggerfall Covenant 09/02/2024
EU Megaserver North Watch Guard 50 Ebonheart Pact 09/02/2024
EU Megaserver Rushhour 0 Daggerfall Covenant 09/03/2024
NA Megaserver Azure Tiger 0 Aldmeri Dominion 09/03/2024
EU Megaserver KUTĄ 918 Aldmeri Dominion 09/07/2024
NA Megaserver Serenity's Sirens 7 Aldmeri Dominion 09/08/2024
EU Megaserver NilDesperandum 0 Daggerfall Covenant 09/09/2024
EU Megaserver SkoomaHighRollersSLO 0 Aldmeri Dominion 09/10/2024
NA Megaserver Cult of the DOOT 0 Daggerfall Covenant 09/18/2024
EU Megaserver One Place for Kitten 0 Aldmeri Dominion 09/19/2024
NA Megaserver Stygian Syndicate 0 Daggerfall Covenant 09/21/2024
NA Megaserver Lethal Rejection 0 Ebonheart Pact 09/22/2024
Page 198 of 208 (3,326 Guilds)