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ArrowNew Client and new AddOn coming soon

It won't be long before the new client is released. Besides the well known support for Windows, this release includes support for the Mac for the first time. The release of the new client is planned for June 26, 2020.

From this point on it is no longer possible to upload data with the old client or the old AddOn. An automatic update will be provided for the old client, assuming you have the latest version of the current client installed. The new installer also takes care of the old client and performs an uninstall.

There will also be a overhaul on ESOUI for the AddOn, because it was rewritten from scratch and contains many improvements and performance optimizations.

You can also simply download and install the new client after the release. The new installer will also be available on the download page from June 26, 2020.
Posted on 06/16/2020 07:17:51 by Keldor