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ArrowTales of Tribute

The Tales of Tribute card overview of the patron Rajhin, the Purring Liar of the Elder Scrolls Online in the ESO-Database.

Overview of Patrons Rajhin, the Purring Liar Patron

Rajhin, the Purring Liar Rajhin, the Purring Liar

Starter Starter


Cards Cards

Bag of Tricks
Bag of Tricks
Jarring Lullaby
Jarring Lullaby
Jeering Shadow
Jeering Shadow
Moonlit Illusion
Moonlit Illusion
Pounce and Profit
Pounce and Profit
Sleight of Hand
Sleight of Hand
Stubborn Shadow
Stubborn Shadow
Twilight Revelry
Twilight Revelry

Upgrade Upgrade

Grand Larceny
Grand Larceny
Prowling Shadow
Prowling Shadow
Ring's Guile
Ring's Guile
Shadow's Slumber
Shadow's Slumber