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ArrowUser profile of BigSoda

  • 4
  • BigSoda

  • Rank 4 (7 XP / 55 XP)
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Last online: Mar 29, 2020 11:11 AM
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Reg Date 03/29/2020

Awards Awards

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Characters Characters

Name Rank Champion Rank Alliance Race Class
NA Megaserver Consumes-Voraciously 50 485 Aldmeri Dominion Argonian Necromancer
NA Megaserver Eynvid Sigvaldson 50 485 Daggerfall Covenant Nord Warden
NA Megaserver Jay-Law 50 485 Daggerfall Covenant Orc Nightblade
NA Megaserver Khoro Panval 36 485 Aldmeri Dominion Khajiit Sorcerer
NA Megaserver Lev'kham 50 485 Aldmeri Dominion Khajiit Templar
NA Megaserver Lhothik 15 485 Daggerfall Covenant Redguard Sorcerer
NA Megaserver Master Sammael 1 482 Aldmeri Dominion High Elf Templar
NA Megaserver Salaax Ygnu 11 463 Daggerfall Covenant Dark Elf Sorcerer
NA Megaserver Sandrolas Duskthorn 50 485 Aldmeri Dominion Wood Elf Warden
NA Megaserver Sordus Velthrin 50 485 Ebonheart Pact Dark Elf Dragonknight
NA Megaserver Soul-of-Flame 45 485 Daggerfall Covenant Argonian Dragonknight