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ArrowUser profile of Mattiellosa

  • 11
  • Mattiellosa

  • Rank 11 (105 XP / 139 XP)
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Online Offline
Last online: Mar 25, 2021 9:53 AM
First name Matthew
Gender Male
Date of birth / Age 03/28/1994 (31 years old)
Place of residence England
Reg Date 09/04/2017

Awards Awards

Mattiellosa has no awards

Characters Characters

Name Rank Champion Rank Alliance Race Class
EU Megaserver -The Golden Lion 50 1550 Daggerfall Covenant Khajiit Templar
EU Megaserver -The Mystic Lion 50 1503 Daggerfall Covenant Khajiit Sorcerer
EU Megaserver Im a dragon rawr xd 50 1534 Daggerfall Covenant Argonian Dragonknight
EU Megaserver Rockgrove 3 1511 Daggerfall Covenant Khajiit Warden
EU Megaserver Skop en Donner 50 1547 Daggerfall Covenant Khajiit Necromancer