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ArrowZone Overview

An overview of all The Elder Scrolls Online zones an the number of characters in each zone.

Zone Overview Zone Overview

Name Characters
Sanguine's Demesne 2
Sanity's Edge 7
Santaki 0
Sanuarach Mine 0
Sareloth Grotto 0
Scalecaller Peak 14
Scarp Keep 0
Scholarium Outer Ruins 0
Scrivener's Hall 5
Sea Keep 0
Seabloom Villa 0
Seat of Detritus 0
Seaveil Spire 18
Secluded Sewers 1
Seeker's Archive 0
Selene's Web 1
Senalana 0
Senchal Outlaws Refuge 1
Sentinel Outlaws Refuge 7
Sepulcher of Mischance 0
Serenity Falls Estate 0
Serpent Hollow Cave 1
Serpent's Grotto 0
Serpent's Nest 0
Sewer Tenement 0
Shad Astula Underhalls 1
Page 27 of 40 (1,028 Zones)