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ArrowZone Overview

An overview of all The Elder Scrolls Online zones an the number of characters in each zone.

Zone Overview Zone Overview

Name Characters
Vaults of Madness 14
Vaults of Vernim 0
Velmont Mansion 0
Veloth Ancestral Tomb 1
Velothi Reverie 0
Velyn Harbor Outlaws Refuge 0
Ventral Terminus 1
Verglas Hollow 0
Veyond 0
Village of the Lost 1
Vinedeath Cave 0
Virak Keep 0
Viridian Watch 0
Vision of the Hist 0
Vivec City Outlaws Refuge 91
Volenfell 18
Vulkhel Guard Outlaws Refuge 21
Vunalk 0
Vvardenfell 11077
Waking Flame Camp 0
Waking Flame Fargrave Conclave 0
Waking Flame Fargrave Conclave 0
Wansalen 0
Wasten Coraldale 2
Watcher's Hold 0
Water's Edge 13
Page 38 of 40 (1,028 Zones)