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ArrowZone Overview

An overview of all The Elder Scrolls Online zones an the number of characters in each zone.

Zone Overview Zone Overview

Name Characters
Crow's Wood 7
Ald Carac 7
Cradle of Shadows 7
Moon Hunter Keep 7
Fungal Grotto II 6
Castle Thorn 6
Sanctum Ophidia 6
Crypt of Hearts II 6
City of Ash II 6
Crimson Cove 6
The Dread Cellar 6
Lucent Citadel 6
Aetherian Archive 6
Stone Garden 6
Orc's Finger Ruins 5
Shornhelm Outlaws Refuge 5
Emissary's Enclave 5
Scrivener's Hall 5
Zainsipilu 5
Obsidian Scar 5
Rimmen Necropolis 5
Undertow Cavern 5
Frostbreak Fortress 5
Hall of the Dead 5
Eld Angavar 5
Eyevea 5
Page 6 of 40 (1,028 Zones)