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ArrowCodex - Harvester-Scale Plating

Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Harvester-Scale Plating in the ESO-Database.

Telvanni Peninsula Antiquities Codex - Harvester-Scale Plating

  • Amalien Biome-Proof Plating I understand why this came straight to my desk, clearly Dwemer in origin. Fairly standard construction, but the surface feels texturally quite different. I suggest one of my more experimental colleagues test its properties.
  • Ugron gro-Thumog Biome-Proof Plating Nothing I've thrown at this will dent it. Fire, ice, poison, acid, crushing, smashing, blades ... this surface has been made safe against every test I had. I understand strong armor, but why?
  • Reginus Buca Biome-Proof Plating Dwemer scholars explored the length and breadth of Nirn, and well beyond. Perhaps this plating was proof against the extremes they might encounter in seeking the truths of Aetherius. Could have used this during a few rough expeditions myself.
  • Reginus Buca Nonreactive Cincture A belt of unusual properties. An accident in one of the storage rooms destroyed a number of relics by fire. This simple loop was covered with ash but untouched otherwise. I would have put this in the ephemera file otherwise, fascinating.
  • Ugron gro-Thumog Nonreactive Cincture That would have been a missed opportunity. This was woven with a complex set of fibers that seemed to resist everything my students came up with to test its properties. It made for an entertaining lecture, at least.
  • Amalien Nonreactive Cincture Dwemer, with post-diaspora techniques and an advanced fiberweave I've seen used in a scant few artifacts. The artisan's name has been lost to time but I recognize their split anvil maker's mark from other works of exceptional quality.
  • Amalien Thras-Crafted Breeches Exhilarating. This appears to be a set of breeches crafted with materials and techniques common to the Sload of Thras. But symbology, treatment, and context all scream Dwemer. I've never seen such clear evidence of collaboration between these cultures.
  • Gabrielle Benele Thras-Crafted Breeches I think collaboration might be a strong word. I've found some supporting Thrassian documentation to indicate contractual workings for mages of great power in other cultures. Still, a unique find.
  • Amalien Thras-Crafted Breeches More than we've ever been able to prove before. The Dwemer reaching out to other regions for support in their more advanced workings is a fascinating concept. Was this a common practice, or was this more like a favor repaid to a specific artisan?
  • Reginus Buca Tonal Pivot Joints These pivot points remind me strongly of those we've seen on constructs from across traditional Dwemer regions. But they're sized for a flesh and blood wearer, perhaps part of some armor? A standout relic of their culture.
  • Amalien Tonal Pivot Joints While we know the Dwemer made a variety of constructs to integrate with mortal frames, it's extremely rare to find any left behind after their departure. These joints most likely helped the wearer bear up under heavy loads, or move across uneven terrain.
  • Gabrielle Benele Tonal Pivot Joints They're also extremely well insulated from adverse conditions, as we've seen with several other pieces recently. Just imagine what a person wearing these greaves could endure.
  • Reginus Buca Harvester-Scale Plating I've never seen this before. Daedric scales culled and cured by what looks like Nirn techniques? What culture would cultivate a Daedra for their skin, and use them in a set of greaves?
  • Ugron gro-Thumog Harvester-Scale Plating I believe this is originally from a Harvester, you can see where the scales sat upon the serpent body. But I share your confusion, perhaps one of the lost cultures? Ayleid?
  • Amalien Harvester-Scale Plating You mock me when I contextualize everything through Dwemer culture but ... this was done by the Deep Elves. I've found minimal evidence for Dwemer cultivation of Daedra populations, however, so this represents an extreme outlier in Dwemeric practices.