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ArrowCodex - Cliff Strider Skeleton Stand

Thelist of codex entries of the antiquity Cliff Strider Skeleton Stand in the ESO-Database.

Telvanni Peninsula Antiquities Codex - Cliff Strider Skeleton Stand

  • Amalien The Cliff Strider has always occupied my curiosity since I was a child. The power of a reptile made all the more deadly by its gift of flight. This exquisite specimen is the first step towards my full dive into Cliff Strider taxonomy.
  • Amalien It is truly astounding how much character has been captured by this taxidermist. At times it really does feel like this Cliff Strider will spring to life right in the middle of my study. I'll have to keep them in mind for future projects.
  • Verita Numida Twice now I've passed your study and stifled a scream at the sight of your Cliff Strider … friend. And once again, I must politely decline your offer to, ''get to know him." I'll leave its delicate bones and leathery skin to you.