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ArrowTales of Tribute

The Tales of Tribute card overview of the patron Almalexia of the Elder Scrolls Online in the ESO-Database.

Overview of Patrons Almalexia Patron

Almalexia Almalexia

Starter Starter

Collection Plate
Collection Plate

Cards Cards

Bardic Veneration
Bardic Veneration
Devotional Gaoler
Devotional Gaoler
Mother's Mercy
Mother's Mercy
Mournhold Clergy
Mournhold Clergy
Temple Arbiter
Temple Arbiter
The Lesson of Ayem
The Lesson of Ayem
Tribunal Sentinel
Tribunal Sentinel

Upgrade Upgrade

ALMSIVI's Charity
ALMSIVI's Charity
Festival of Forbearance
Festival of Forbearance
Hand of Almalexia
Hand of Almalexia
Mercymother Elite
Mercymother Elite